Term: Acne - Scalp, Face or Skin
Acne is another name for skin that is broken out. Acne may or may not be inflamatory. There are multiple forms of acne. Acne can occur on the skin at several points including along the scalp, around the hairline, all over the face and the entire skin throughout the body. Acne is most often caused by blocked follicles.
The lesions that are formed when acne is present are known as pimples, zits, bumps or spots. Although acne is very common during the teen years (experts claim that more than 85% of all teens have some form of acne), this skin problem can occur off and on into adulthood. It impacts males and females. Acne comes from the Greek word "acme" which means skin eruptions in the writings of Aetius Amidenus.
Some forms of acne include the formation of cycts. When not treated properly, acne can lead to permanent scarring and loss of self esteem. Skin experts strongly recommend early and aggressive treatment to minimize the long term impact of the disease.