Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

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Advertising on is an effective way to get your message to young women and teens. We offer a variety of highly targeted advertising formats to allow you to communicate your message to our audience.

  • Over 1,800,000* unique visitors per month
  • 90% of our visitors are female
  • 22% under 18 years of age, 60% between 18 and 44

Download our media kit: here.

We offer advertising in the following formats:

  • Banner Ads (728x60, 468x60, 234x60)
  • Box Ads (300x250)
  • Skyscraper Ads (120x600)
  • Rich Media
  • Classifieds
  • Text Links
Type of Ad Dimensions Notes
Banner 468x60 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Half Banner 234x60 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Leaderboard 728x60 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Skyscraper 120x600 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Box 300x250 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Pop Under 720x300 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Pop Up (Normal) 250x250 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash
Pop Up (Large) 550x480 GIF/JPG/HTML/Flash

We will be happy to work with you to create unique and effective advertising campaigns to maximize your return on investment.

Contact Us for a rate card and other possible advertising formats.

Active HairTalk Threads
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Quick Poll
If you could change the length of your hair for just one day, what length would you select?
Hair to my knees or longer
Waist-length locks
Bra-length tresses
Short bob
Take it all off
Wouldn't change one thing even for one day.
View Results
Daily Hair Tip
Keep hair in great condition by using an intensive conditioner every week and limiting use of all heating appliances (blow dryers, rollers or irons) to a bare minimum.
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