Short Hair Links

Short Hair Links

Updated: 11/14/2008


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This Short Hair Links section features the best links on the web to short hair topics.

It also provides links to all the related articles, galleries, message boards, links and tips that will help you to easily select the perfect short hairstyle for you. 

This page will also help you style, color, treat and effectively manage your hair once you find the short hairstyle of your dreams.

Check out our newest Short Hair Links:

Short Hair Links

The Long and Short of Its:  Five Thousand Years of Fun and Fury over Hair (Hardcover)

This book provides a history of hair over the past five thousand years but also discusses short hair trends and society's adoption of short hair style.

Bobbed Hair & Bathtub Gin

This light, engaging book spends the years from 1920 to 1930 with Zelda Fitzgerald, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker and Edna Ferber during the era of Bobbed Hair & Bathtub Gin when when really did bob their hair and wore a series of short hair styles.

The Short Hair Variety Show

Hair Boutique's short hair feature writer Jane Bullock covers all the essential things you need to know to have great looking short hair.

Stop by and see's long term partner, Tom Carson's photo gallery here at 

Pick up Tom's magazine - Total Beauty Image & check out Karen's hair care column that has appeared in the magazine since the very first issue.

Celebrity Short Hair Pictures
Short Hair Links
Short Hair News
Short Hair Polls
Short Hair Prom Styles
Short Hair Wedding Styles

Short Hair Color & Short Hairstyle Advice
Short Hair & Short Hairstyle Design
Short Hair & Short Hairstyle Images
Short Hair & Short Hairstyle News
Short Hairstyles Guide

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For additional hair care articles, tips and product information check out the following links: