Short Hair Style Selection

Short Hair Style Selection

Updated: 11/14/2008


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Can everyone wear short hair?  It depends who you talk to.  There is a long standing tradition in the hair world that the short hair selection follows very specific rules including analyzing the following items:

1.  Hair Texture, Type & Conditioner
2.  Face & Head Shape
3.  Age
4.  Body Shape
5.  Hair Color
6.  Time & Commitment To Maintenance
7.  Personality
8.  Ideal Hair Image

To understand more about these various selection criteria visit our Short Hair Style Selection section.

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Why pay for hair style selection software when you can get it absolutely free.

Free Short Hair Selection - Hairstyler Imaging

If you prefer, go to and try the More Magazine Hairstyler program that lets you upload your own images for free and try on different styles.  All you have to do is join More Magazine (no cost) and you are on your way.

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